Disposiciones defensivas en el antiguo Egipto entre el período Predinástico y la Dinastía III
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Augusto Gayubas
Universidad de Buenos Aires
The present article aims to consider the archaeological, iconographic and written evidence that allows us to recognize the existence of defensive patterns or structures in ancient Egypt from the Neolithic and Predynastic periods to Third Dynasty (c. 5550-2600 BC), as well as to reflect on its relationship with the different forms of socio-political organization characteristic of the periods analyzed.
Paraules clau
war, defensive patterns, ancient Egypt, Predynastic period/Third Dynasty
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Com citar
Gayubas, Augusto. “Disposiciones defensivas en el antiguo Egipto entre el período Predinástico y la Dinastía III”. Historiae, no. 15, pp. 33-46, https://raco.cat/index.php/Historiae/article/view/350367.