Possibility and failure of an iberian regenerationist synthesis. Spain and Catalonia in the dialogue between Unamuno, Maragall and Zulueta (1900-1911)

Main Article Content

Based on the analysis of the epistolary relationship between Miguel de Unamuno, Joan Maragall and Lluís de Zulueta, this article aims to explore the debate on Catalanism among the regenerationist intellectuals of the early 20th century. Was it possible to fit the growing Catalan national affirmation (with its implicit nationalist codification and myths) into the theoretical regenerationism of Spanish frame formulated by intellectuals like Unamuno? In the dialogue between Unamuno and his Catalan interlocutors there’s mutual understanding, but also multiple dividing lines arise that make it difficult to find common ground. Iberianism formulated by  Maragall seems to be a plausible synthesis, but the multiple tensions at stake (the confrontation of opposing nationalizing projects, as well as intellectuals’ own weakness and social contradictions) prevent this idea to be realised.

Miguel de Unamuno — Joan Maragall — Lluís de Zulueta — regenerationism — Catalan nationalism— Spanish nationalism

Article Details

How to Cite
Vall Ontiveros, Xavier. “Possibility and failure of an iberian regenerationist synthesis. Spain and Catalonia in the dialogue between Unamuno, Maragall and Zulueta (1900-1911)”. Haidé. Estudis Maragallians. Butlletí de l’Arxiu Joan Maragall, no. 11, pp. 167-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/Haide/article/view/409083.
Author Biography

Xavier Vall Ontiveros

Professor d’educació secundària i estudiós independent