Apeles Mestres i Joan Maragall, una amistat entre versos i flors
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Marta Robles i Massó
Universitat de Girona
Apeles Mestres and Joan Maragall had a friendship that is proven and documented in the letters they exchanged over the years. Not even the ideological antagonism between Mestres’ republicanism and Maragall’s Catholicism, nor their different vision of Literature prevented them from developing a personal relationship. Their friendship was not only based on their connection beyond the public life in which both were renowned, but also in a shared interest: in plants, and in the moral bond that united them against certain paralelisms in the treatment received from the critics of the Noucentisme, right around the time when they met each other and started their epistolary exchange.
Apeles Mestres, Joan Maragall, friendship, Noucentism
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Robles i Massó, Marta. “Apeles Mestres i Joan Maragall, una amistat entre versos i flors”. Haidé. Estudis Maragallians. Butlletí de l’Arxiu Joan Maragall, no. 8, pp. 51-67, https://raco.cat/index.php/Haide/article/view/361970.