Els polítics de Lleida al Trienni Liberal (1820-1823)
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Antonio Sánchez Carcelén
In this study there is tried to analyze the social and ideological composition of all four municipal councils that were formed to Lleida's city to the Liberal Triennium. To the beginning of this new historical stage already it was verified as the individuals (especially noble) that they controlled Lleida's town hall in the absolutist sexeny later to the War of the Frenchman they lasted, therefore, I do not lead to him to term any revolution. Though little by little these elements more absolutistes, and as maximum more identified with the liberalism most moderate and near to the traditionalism, were opening way to a new leader class politics proceeding from the most dynamical social sectors (liberal professions and commercial activities), which did with the council leridano in the year 1823, was the victory of the "impassioned ones". This experience finished with the invasion of Hundred Sons of Saint Louis and the later destruction of the constitutional regime.
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How to Cite
Sánchez Carcelén, Antonio. “Els polítics de Lleida al Trienni Liberal (1820-1823)”. HMiC: història moderna i contemporània, no. 4, pp. 277-00, https://raco.cat/index.php/HMiC/article/view/53286.
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