El finançament de la premsa carlina lleidatana : recursos econòmics i publicitat
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Francesc , 1975- Closa Salinas
The following article aims to analyze the mechanisms used by the doctrinal Carline press at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the twentieth in order to finance themselves. We will exemplify it with two newspapers from Lleida –El Almogávar Leridano and El Loredan- directed by Salvador Morales and Roger de Llúria respectively. We are especially interested in their advertisements -their main source of income-, the publicists’ origins and their location in the cited newspapers. They both connote the essential features of a press typology essentially biased, ideological and political, which is moving away from the postulates and the business management of the most important written media.
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Closa Salinas, Francesc , 1975-. “El finançament de la premsa carlina lleidatana : recursos econòmics i publicitat”. HMiC: història moderna i contemporània, no. 9, pp. 53-70, https://raco.cat/index.php/HMiC/article/view/245028.