Image or text? The power of graphic elements to attract visual attention analized with Eye Tracker
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Elena Añaños Carrasco
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
Anna Astals Serés
Unversidad Autónoma de Barcelona
The effects of incorporating an image into a graphic advert stimulus are analyzed, with the Eye tracking technology, over visual attention on the most visual element, the text. This investigation is based on different researches that demonstrated the great semantically contribution of images makes them being the most visual element and the most powerful one into attracting visual attention. The experimental results obtained corroborate our hypothesis: inserting an image into the original ad causes a strong and significant increase of the visual attention on this element and a decrease of the visual attention (attentional transfer) on the text.
eyes movements, visual perception, graphics, advertising, visual attention
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How to Cite
Añaños Carrasco, Elena; and Astals Serés, Anna. “Image or text? The power of graphic elements to attract visual attention analized with Eye Tracker”. Grafica, vol.VOL 1, no. 2, pp. 87-98,
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