Les médecins face à une maladie nouvelle, épidémique: la syphilis

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Gérard Tilles MD

At the
end of the 15th century, European physicians had to fight against an unknown
epidemic disease. Initially staggered by the violence and the severity of the
disease, physicians proposed to treat syphilis with mercury. The severity of
the side effects encouraged some physicians to use softer medications.
Mercury remained the therapeutical reference until penicillin eventually provided
the patients with an efficient and safe treatment of syphilis.

Sífilis, Mercuri, Guaiac, Arsènic, Penicil·lina

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How to Cite
Tilles MD, Gérard. “Les médecins face à une maladie nouvelle, épidémique: la syphilis”. Gimbernat: Revista d’Història de la Medicina i de les Ciències de la Salut, vol.VOL 77, pp. 85-104, https://raco.cat/index.php/Gimbernat/article/view/400515.