The policies of hygienization of the City Council of Barcelona in the pacetime republican period (1931-1936)

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Alexandre Solano Budé

At the time of the implementation of the Republican regime, Barcelona had numerous neighborhoods with very poor health and a crisis in the city’s hospital system. The new city council would deal with the situation with different measures among which an extraordinary budget that had to demolish part of the historic center with a higher mortality rate and the search for new equipment and funding for the health system.

Barcelona; City Council; Republic; Hygiene; Hospitals

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How to Cite
Solano Budé, Alexandre. “The policies of hygienization of the City Council of Barcelona in the pacetime republican period (1931-1936)”. Gimbernat: Revista d’Història de la Medicina i de les Ciències de la Salut, vol.VOL 73, pp. 97-113,
Author Biography

Alexandre Solano Budé

Doctor en Història Contemporània per la Universitat de Barcelona. Dosrius (Maresme).