The quinine sulphate in 1828 by Rafael Hernández of the Barcelona Medical Academy

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Paloma Ruiz Vega

The antipyretic properties of quinine sulphate were proven in Europe throughout the 20th century through the results obtained in patients to whom it was administered; this remedy was considered specific in intermittent fevers. It was applied to individuals affected by intermittent fevers, tertiary, quaternary, and other modalities, and also during the apyretic state, causing the following febrile episode did not occur.

Sulfate Quinine; Fever; Antipyretic; Rafael Hernández; Royal Academy of Medicine of Cadiz

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How to Cite
Ruiz Vega, Paloma. “The quinine sulphate in 1828 by Rafael Hernández of the Barcelona Medical Academy”. Gimbernat: Revista d’Història de la Medicina i de les Ciències de la Salut, vol.VOL 73, pp. 71-86,
Author Biography

Paloma Ruiz Vega, Universidad de Cádiz

Departamento de Historia de la Ciencia. UCA. Académica de la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Cádiz.
Cádiz (Andalucía).

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