About the cowboy's quixotic myth recovery Trace and footprint of Bronco Billy

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Ignacio Gaztaka Eguskiza

The western, as a myth, evokes an era that, thanks to the admiration it has aroused by the public, has managed to escape from oblivion. This film analysis focuses his studio object on Clint Eastwood's 1980 film Bronco Billy. The historical line of this mythical cowboy that has led us to the origins of cinematic art itself has been followed. Later this character would be reborn thanks to James Rokos, before falling into Eastwood's hands. The western seems to know how to adapt to the messages and purposes that directors from different eras and contexts intend to launch to the public, employing historical characters born from the womb of this film genre.

Cinema, western, Bronco Billy, Clint Eastwood, film analyses

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How to Cite
Gaztaka Eguskiza, Ignacio. “About the cowboy’s quixotic myth recovery: Trace and footprint of Bronco Billy”. Filmhistoria online, vol.VOL 30, no. 2, pp. 123-36, https://raco.cat/index.php/FilmhistoriaOnline/article/view/381951.