La consideración de la mujer en marginalia a las Elegías de Propercio
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Mª Dolores García de Paso Carrasco
Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera
In this paper we aim to study the marginalia to Propertius’ Elegies recorded in manuscripts Scorialensis S.III.22, Scorialensis C.IV.22 and Salmanticensis BU 245, making special emphasis on the negative consideration of women and love relationships. The analysis of these marginalia has revealed their relationships with features and motives present in courtly love poetry.
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How to Cite
García de Paso Carrasco, Mª Dolores; and Rodríguez Herrera, Gregorio. “La consideración de la mujer en marginalia a las Elegías de Propercio”. Faventia, vol.VOL 27, no. 1, pp. 63-72,
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