On the Vedic -si Imperatives, the Celtic Subjunctive and the Prospective
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Francisco J. Rubio Orecilla
In Vedic there are some athematic forms in -si used as 2nd sg. imperative (not indicative!); comparable forms are to be found in Old Irish, Tocharian and Hittite. The existence of semi-thematic sigmatic subjunctives or futures in other Indo-European languages implies the reconstruction of an athematic s-paradigm which underwent a shift to modal values since early date in the protolanguage.
védico, sánscrito, filología védica, lingüística indoeuropea
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Rubio Orecilla, Francisco J. “On the Vedic -si Imperatives, the Celtic Subjunctive and the Prospective”. Faventia, vol.VOL 34, pp. 79-87, https://raco.cat/index.php/Faventia/article/view/320892.