Contactos entre poblaciones en el mundo micénico

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Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez
The analysis of Linear B documents of the 2nd millennium provides pieces of evidence showing that, in the Mycenaean world of the 2nd millennium, among the Greek kingdoms and with the elites of the Near East, Cyprus and Egypt, there was a system of fluid relationships akin to the one witnessed afterwards by the Homeric texts. Even some individuals, referred to by names suggesting a foreign origin, appear to be placed in positions of midle or higher ranking in the Mycenaean trade and industry. These relations would rule not only commercial and craftmanship exchanges, but would also apply to administrative fields such as labour, culture and other socio-political dealings. The ensuing mobility of individuals and of population groups among the various Mycenaean kingdoms, and with more faraway territories, is actually perceived through the aforementioned textual evidence. This evidence shows indeed that the Mycenaean administration had precise mechanisms for the labour and social integration of settled foreign groups, including their participation in the defense.

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Com citar
Santiago Álvarez, Rosa-Araceli. “Contactos entre poblaciones en el mundo micénico”. Faventia, pp. 11-27,