La restauración historicista de la música antigua. Propuestas hermenéuticas para una arqueología del sonido
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Joaquín Barriendos Rodríguez
This article proposes an hermeneutic scheme to tackle some epistemological problems related with matters as authenticity and historicity within playing ancient music. The methodological framework consist in the interplays between the cultural history, what has been known as the new history and the historicist musicology. The restoration of the musical patrimony is understood, from this approach, as a form of archaeology of the musical events.
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How to Cite
Barriendos Rodríguez, Joaquín. “La restauración historicista de la música antigua. Propuestas hermenéuticas para una arqueología del sonido”. Ex novo: revista d’història i humanitats, no. 4, pp. 7-24,