Una lloa profana, en català, de finals del segle XVII

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Pep Vila

The playlet (lloa) is a minor genre, a sort of prologue to the main play. Its purpose is to prepare the audience and its aim is didactic. The lloa we publish here reached us in a mutilated state; it must have been about 800 lines long, which makes it quite a play considering the characteristics of the genre. Dialogue is a basic element and the actors address the audience after a musical overture. We know nothing about the work which followed. The lloa is a dispute around the central figure: Desire. The work was written in 1697 and is now in the Departamental Archive of Perpinyà.

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Com citar
Vila, Pep. “Una lloa profana, en català, de finals del segle XVII”. Estudis escènics: quaderns de l’Institut del Teatre, no. 25, https://raco.cat/index.php/EstudisEscenics/article/view/377363.