Desdobramento de morfemas verbais no galego: o sufixo número-persoal na conxugación regular

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Ildikó Szijj
According to data from the Atlas Lingüístico Galego, there has been a splitting of number- person suffixes in the verbal paradigm of the points polled, without phonetic conditioning factors, in tenses and in morphic classes. This splitting contradicts Humboldt's Universal, one of the principles of natural morphology, although general tendencies may be accounted for by the concept of mark and the relationship between meaning and form. The least marked morphic class, the first conjugation, is the most innovative one. The tenses feature a greater number of splittings in the least marked tenses and the ones which are most semantically removed.

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How to Cite
Szijj, Ildikó. “Desdobramento de morfemas verbais no galego: o sufixo número-persoal na conxugación regular”. Estudis Romànics, vol.VOL 24, pp. 47-69,