Les Pitiüses, unes illes no tan aïllades de la prehistòria

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Maria Bofill
Pau Sureda Torres
The discontinuity in the investigation line spent on the Pitiüses Islands prehistory requires a critical checking about its approaches and its real possibilities of the material set. This paper is intended to show a new view of the analysis of the human population process in this insular environment, it is based on the informative capability that the archeological studies offer, which have been made about Ibiza and Formentera´s prehistory until nowadays. To accomplish this purpose we will focus our contributions on the methodological field as well as on the considerations of interpretative nature we think essential.

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How to Cite
Bofill, Maria; and Sureda Torres, Pau. “Les Pitiüses, unes illes no tan aïllades de la prehistòria”. Estrat crític: revista d’arqueologia, no. 2, pp. 135-47, https://raco.cat/index.php/EstratCritic/article/view/250133.