Josep Gibert i l'Home d'Orce. Evidències contra eminencies

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Oriol Vicente i Campos
Dr. Josep Gibert broked in 1982 a scientific paradigma when he discovered in Venta Micena (Orce, Granada), a human fragment with a chronology around 1,3 milion years old. From that moment, he sufered a disqualification of his work, because his investigations didn't match with what the academy of that moments was interested in. Nowadays, even damning evidences, in some scientific ambits his ionvestigations are not recognise.

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How to Cite
Vicente i Campos, Oriol. “Josep Gibert i l’Home d’Orce. Evidències contra eminencies”. Estrat crític: revista d’arqueologia, no. 2, pp. 4-7,