La colonisation du savoir Une histoire des plantes médicinales du Nouveau Monde (1492-1750)
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Jorge García García
Samir Boumediene is a CNR researcher at the Institute d'histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités in Lyon (France), and this book is product of his PhD dissertation at the University of Lorraine. Boumediene presents in this well-researched
monograph the extent of European colonisation and appropriation of Indigenous knowledge by focusing on medicinal plants from the New World, their transmission, and later integration into European markets and consumer culture.
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Cómo citar
García García, Jorge. «La colonisation du savoir: Une histoire des plantes médicinales du Nouveau Monde (1492-1750)». Entremons: UPF Journal of World History, n.º 15, pp. 125-8, doi:10.31009/entremons.2024.i15.08.
(c) 2024