Aesthetics is the science that inquires the possibility of knowledge in general

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Alfonso Freire
Analyzing its main texts, this article aims to elucidate the foundations of Kant's Critique of Judgement. It highlights that what is communicable is the feeling inherent in the “free interplay of faculties”. The article grounds the solution to the problem on the “I note” at the end of CJ §: 57 (solution of the antinomy of the taste}, in which Kant says that the pretension of universality of the aesthetical judgement is patterned on the suprasensible level of all faculties, “that in relation to which the intelligible part of our nature gives us as the ultimate goal to have all our cognoscitive faculties in agreement. This suprasensible level,which establishes a relationship between aesthetics and ethics, grounds the claim that everybody “must” agree with our aesthetic judgement in spite of its subjective character.

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How to Cite
Freire, Alfonso. “Aesthetics is the science that inquires the possibility of knowledge in general”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 19, pp. 41-53,