A hundred years later. Nietzsche with a human face

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B. Salem Himmich
After one hundred years of his death, the ideas and the work of Nietzsche continue appealing and stimulating us. But is Nietzsche really compatible with a democratic culture and society? Some of the most commune topics of the antidemocratic lectures of his work are examined in this paper in order to offer a positive answer to this question. Of course Nietzsche is not free of criticisms, but taking note of his notions of criticism, perspectivism,vitalism, etc., becomes possible to retrieve a Nietzsche with human face.
Nietzsche, totalitarianism, democracy, life, will of power, nazism, Wagner

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How to Cite
Himmich, B. Salem. “A hundred years later. Nietzsche with a human face”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 35, pp. 45-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/Enrahonar/article/view/32012.