Argumentos densos

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Mª Teresa Lopez de la Vieja
This article deals with the cognitive use of literary texts. Following the suggestions of a novel, A. Andersch’s Der Vater eines Mörders, it takes concern of cognitive function, even of argumentative function of Literature. Some arguments could support this overlapping model: a) Moral Philosophy is mostly lacking of direct information about extreme situations (tragic experiences, imprisonment, genocide) and, on the other hand,
Philosophy had not to neglect these experiences; b) the possibility of achieving a complete description of actions, thick and thin —following M. Walzer’s and G. Ryle’s terminology—, would improve contextual and particular knowledge of historical facts; c) Contemporary Moral Philosophy usually argues in favor and against the overlapping model, about «thin» and «not thin» Theories, over «argument» and «argumentation». This is the case for Ethics and its relation with Literature, also (J. Habermas, M. Nussbaum). The article claims more attention to indirect knowledge, because «thick arguments» would reconstruct past situations that where extremely painful —and harmful— for persons and groups. A good reason for thinking about complete descriptions, thin and thick.
moral philosophy, moral universalim, literature, argumentation, harm

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How to Cite
Lopez de la Vieja, Mª Teresa. “Argumentos densos”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 30, pp. 45-55,