Theory, therapy and way of seeing: on the wittgensteinian conception of philosophy

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Eduardo Fermandois
Wittgenstein’s thoughts about the nature of philosophy have a negative (ideal of therapy)and a positive (concept of synoptical vision) tendency. The study of this tension produ-ces the following results: 1) The idea of therapy implies on the one hand a strong thesis(the denial of philosophy as a way of knowledge) and on the other hand a weak one (tolay emphasis on the plurality of philosophical problems and to question the project of aprima philosophia). I criticize the strong thesis in two ways and try to show the importan-ce of the weak one. 2) A «puristic» interpretation of the idea of philosophy as a gramma-tical consideration doesn’t explain the critique to a language (or its rules) which constitutesthe motivation of scientific and social developments. 3) The appealing thing lies in theauthor’s way to comunicate his or her opinions (and not in his or her lacking of them).His or her way of argumenting by «guiding» and «showing» lets evaluate philosophicalknowledge as something more than propositional knowledge.
Wittgenstein, philosophy, argumentation, knowledge

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How to Cite
Fermandois, Eduardo. “Theory, therapy and way of seeing: on the wittgensteinian conception of philosophy”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 27, pp. 75-101,