Karl Popper and the rehabilitation of the correspondance truth theory
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L. Fernández Moreno
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Filosofia
The main aim of this paper, “Karl Popper and the rehabilitation of the correspondence theory of truth”, is to reconstruct and examine Popper's interpretation of Tarski's theory ot truth as constituting the rehabilitation of the correspondence theory of truth. First, I prsent Popper's meeting wich Tarski's theory of truh in its historical context; second, I justify that the two characterizations of the concept of truth present in Tarski's theory, the definition of thruth through satisfaction and the equivalences of the form (T) can be interpreted according to the correspondene theory of truth. Next, I expound the sense in wich, in Popper's opinion, Tarski's theory constitutes the definitive rehabilitation of the correspondence theory ot truth. Last, I examine Popper's interpretarion and show how this interpretation differs from Tarski's own interpretation and the problems with wich Popper's interpretation is faced.
truth, correspondence, satisfaction, equivalences of the form (T), fact
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How to Cite
Fernández Moreno, L. “Karl Popper and the rehabilitation of the correspondance truth theory”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 25, pp. 91-106, https://raco.cat/index.php/Enrahonar/article/view/31845.