A ghost thought. Notes on the Schopenhauerian background of our world

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Louis Ucciani
The latest work on Schopenhauer, including that by Francois Felix, examine the centrality of the subject in the representation process. Meanwhile, the contemporary opening initiated by Michel Henry, Clement Rosset and even Deleuze, Debord and Baudrillard, emphasizes the non-mastery of representation over reality. It is as if contemporaneity has rediscovered Schopenhauer’s observation of the power of representation to distort reality. The Schhopenhauerian subject as an initiator of forms, but also as a critique of its own forms, may appear to be an operative model for reinvigorating the critical dimension in a theoretical world encased in submissive acceptance.
Schopenhauer, Francois Felix, subject, representation, contemporaneity

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How to Cite
Ucciani, Louis. “A ghost thought. Notes on the Schopenhauerian background of our world”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 55, pp. 31-40, https://raco.cat/index.php/Enrahonar/article/view/302868.
Author Biography

Louis Ucciani, Université de Franche-Comté

Louis Ucciani, enseigne la philosophie à l’université de Franche-Comté, il appartient au laboratoire des Logiques de l’agir. A écrit de nombreux articles sur Schopenhauer, dernier livre paru, Distance irréparable, Dijon, Les Presses du Réel, 2011. Dirige Philosophique, Les Cahier Charles Fourier.