El com de la tasca educativa en la psicosi
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Com citar

Arasanz, Dolors et al. “El com de la tasca educativa en la psicosi”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 26, pp. 59-73, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioSocial/article/view/165451.


One of the main functions of the social educator is to eneble the linking of individuals to their community network, to incorporate them into society. The dilema is that dissociation from the social is a pathognomic characteristic of the disorder. What place for pedagogy in psychoses? Can social education maintain its intention of incorporating persons with psychosis into the world? Or assume another dimension, beyond these goals of insertion and re-socialisation? The process must be useful to create the conditions that will allow individuals to find a place within the social framework.

Paraules clau

acte educatiu, construcció personal, dret a la diferència, integració, psicosis, trastorns del llenguatge Educational act, personal construction, right to difference, integration, psychosis, language disorders acto educativo, construcción personal, derecho a la diferencia, integración, psicosis, trastornos del lenguaje
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