Consums i pressa, amarratges de l'angoixa
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Com citar

Díaz Massó, Eugenio. “Consums i pressa, amarratges de l’angoixa”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 26, pp. 26-33,


Consumption and haste are characteristics of our era, typified by attempts to suppress time for understanding and to promote necessity at the expense of links with others. The author proposes tha, far from eliminating anguish and freeing the individual from malaise, these activities produce new types of symptom. Making room for the world, for subjective time, appears on our horizon as one way out of the impasses of modern times.

Paraules clau

angustia, consum, desig, modernitat, pressa, temps de comprendre anguish, consumption, desire, modern times, haste, time for undestanding
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