Immigració i violència
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Com citar

Vinyoles, Carme et al. “Immigració i violència”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 23, pp. 57-65,


The misnamed "extracommunity" immigrants have no choice but to live in surroundings of social and institutional violence. The problem does not have as much 10 do with their rights and persons being the object of exclusion, as it does with the fact that due to the legal regulations inforce, they suffer alienation to a greater extern. In many situations, rights are exercised and violated. Instead of repressing immigration and portraying it as a source of conflict , why aren't immigrants given the mechanisms necessary to offer th eir host societies new proposals while preserving their roots? If this path is not taken, it will be difiicult to do away with the binomial linking immigration and violence.

Paraules clau

drets humans, identificació, immigració, llei d'extrangeria, violència institucional human rights, identification, immigration, immigration Law, institutional Violence derechos humanos, identificación, inmigración, ley de extranjería, violencia institucional
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