Una residència per a gent gran des de l'educació social. Com es pot convertir en un centre de vida
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Com citar

Macías Mateos, Rubén. “Una residència per a gent gran des de l’educació social. Com es pot convertir en un centre de vida”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 22, pp. 90-96, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioSocial/article/view/165414.


The account of an experience in patiently converting a residence f or older people into a centre for live. One of the essential stages is the exploration of the needs and abilities of the resident individual. This involves conducting a personal interview, compiling information about his or her live and recent past. Sources of information may be his or her relatives or other people from the immediate social circle. It is also important 10 collect the information that when directly worked on with the person in everyday activities and different programmes in the centre can allow for input from the different professionals.

Paraules clau

angustia, dolor, educador social, familiars, pèrdua, procés de dol, teràpia ocupacional Distress, pain, social educator, relatives, lass, mourning process, occupational therapy Angustia, dolor, educador social, familiares, pérdida, proceso de duelo, terapia ocupacional
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