Projecte implica-acció
PDF (Castellano)

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Com citar

Cadafalch Rabasa, Marc. “Projecte implica-acció”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 22, pp. 69-81,


Old age is being prolonged while medical benefits and care for older people are improving. However. this increase in life expectancy has been accompanied by socially devalued roles. A cultural change is required that considers ageing to be a non-disabling individual or group process: the people affected can still develop their abilities and contribute to society. The Implica-acció Project is a response to this need. encouraging measures that stimulate activity in older people in Granollers.

Paraules clau

  • associacionisme
  • envelliment
  • persones majors
  • reintegració sociocultural
  • voluntariat
PDF (Castellano)