La crida de l'altre vulnerable. Vers una fonamentació de les ètiques professionals
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Torralba Rosselló, Francesc. “La crida de l’altre vulnerable. Vers una fonamentació de les ètiques professionals”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 17, pp. 26-41,


Addressing professional ethics obliges the author to deal with several initial qüestion marks vis-à-vis the rational principles of ethics. It is based on the idea that social intervention cannot be defined as a purely rational practice. There are a series of reasons which hold that helping the vulnerable other is a duty. However, it is essential to find the foundations to save the ethic of mortal relativism and dogmatic danger. Fundamentation entails a prior experience which goes beyond the strictly rational. It is a moral feeling or experience of duty. The principle of the ethics of intervention is the experience of otherness, of the other's experiences. In the search for rational fundamentation itineraries, the author introduces us to the philosophers Lévinas, Ricoeur and Marion, in whom the ideas of otherness, of commination even, abound and imperative that emerges from the depth of our conscience and obliges us to help the other, whoever the other may be.
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