L'educador davant les situacions de conflicte i agressivitat. Una reflexió des de la pràctica.
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Com citar

Barcelona, Manel; and Llauradó, Núria. “L’educador davant les situacions de conflicte i agressivitat. Una reflexió des de la pràctica”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 16, pp. 79-90, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioSocial/article/view/144605.


The situations of aggressiveness that arise in educational interventions in the mental health scenario require approaches that afford the learners new resources to be able to relate to their environment. Without overlooking the important role of other disciplines (medicine, psychology ... ), the educators plays a pivotal role, as it is he and she who interacts with the learners on a day- today basis, it is therefore necessary to promote processes for understanding specific situations in arder to reduce the level of anguish f elt by learners. and give the right responses for their needs.
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