Un Programa de Educación Popular: el legado de Ferrer Guardia y la Editorial Publicaciones de la Escuela Moderna (1901-1936) = Programme on Popular Education: the legacy of Ferrer Guardia and Publicaciones de la Escuela Moderna Editions (1901-1936)

Main Article Content

Pascual Velázquez Vicente
Antonio Viñao Frago
This article doesnt deal, as it is usually the case, with Ferrer Guardias life, works
and ideas. Nor, at least not directly, with his educational works and ideas. It deals with
the publishing house «Publicaciones de la Escuela Moderna» founded by Ferrer
in 1901 in order to achieve the goals of his Modern School, trying to place it in
the background of the publishing world in the Spain of the first third of the 19th
century. To this aim the article analyses its origins and first publications (books and
leaflets edited) both under Ferrer's direction (1901-1909), and the one of his legatee
Lorenzo Portet (1912-1920), as well as the continuity by the publisher Maucci, (from
1925 to 1936) with the publication of some of the 127 volumes edited during the previous stages under Ferrer and Portet (between 1901 and 1920). A brief analysis
of the authors edited, as well the translators, is also carried out. In short, this article
attempts to show how the popular education programme lying behind «Publicaciones
de la Escuela Moderna» remained in force, as a legacy, after Ferrer's death in 1909,
even if it was rethought and remodelled by his legatee Portet.

Article Details

How to Cite
Velázquez Vicente, Pascual; and Viñao Frago, Antonio. “Un Programa de Educación Popular: el legado de Ferrer Guardia y la Editorial Publicaciones de la Escuela Moderna (1901-1936) = Programme on Popular Education: the legacy of Ferrer Guardia and Publicaciones de la Escuela Moderna Editions (1901-1936)”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 16, pp. 79-104, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioHistoria/article/view/224536.