History of social services in the framework of social rights policies. The Balearic Islands and Spain

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Lluís Ballester Brage
From a historical perspective, Social Services are the youngest of the social protection systems. In Spain, social services constitute a social protection system
of relatively recent implementation (they develop from the democratic transition); Although social assistance and social action have a long and important historical
tradition, almost always ideologically associated with charity, institutionally fragmented, of little operational entity and frequently administered on a discretionary
basis. All this has resulted in a relevant sector of public action structured, to make social rights a reality, based on a set of processes developed jointly by public
administrations, the third sector and other civil society organizations.
Charity, Social services, Professionalization, Social rights, Social dynamics.

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How to Cite
Ballester Brage, Lluís. “History of social services in the framework of social rights policies. The Balearic Islands and Spain”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 44, pp. 97-121, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioHistoria/article/view/433362.