Pensament i pràctiques de les dones sobre l'educació femenina : un recorregut a través del temps = Women's thought and practices on women's education : a journey through time

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Julia Cabaleiro
This article addresses the relationships established by women over time with the world
of knowledge through their thinking and actions. Following the leitmotif of the words and
activities that women have generated with regard to womens education, a route is plotted
which begins in the middle ages and ends in the 20th Century, with a view to delimiting a
genealogical tradition in which our work may be situated.

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How to Cite
Cabaleiro, Julia. “Pensament i pràctiques de les dones sobre l’educació femenina : un recorregut a través del temps = Women’s thought and practices on women’s education : a journey through time”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 9-10, pp. 50-69,