El Seminari de Pedagogia del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats de València: la lluita per la democratització de l'educació i la utopia pedagògica, 1966-1976

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Luis Miguel Lázaro Lorente
During the 1960s a very significant transformation will take place in the usual functions of the Doctors and Graduates Associations. In the last years of Franco Regime, the Doctors and Graduates Associations had a social and political presence that will become essential in the fight for achieving a democratic educational system in a democratic society. During the seventies, these official organisations provided some of the most productive initiatives of pedagogical renovation in the country, giving the teachers who sustain them in the uthoritarian and repressive context of the moment and the absence of civil and political liberties legal coverage, resources and institutional support. The Seminari de Pedagogia of the Valencian Doctors and Graduates Association is an excellent example of it. A small but compromised group of primary and secondary education teachers that constituted in 1965- 1966 a Commission of Pedagogical Studies, and that throughout a decade will play a fundamental role in the fight for the expansion of Pedagogical Renovation to the Valencian Country and the diffusion of the methods and approaches of the Progressive School, a pedagogical creed clearly debtor of Henri Wallons thought. Two milestones of enormous importance and significance in this task will be the elaboration, discussion and diffusion of an Alternativa (Alternative) for teaching in the Valencian Country in 1975 and the start, in the next year, of the First Summer School of the Valencian Country.

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How to Cite
Lázaro Lorente, Luis Miguel. “El Seminari de Pedagogia del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats de València: la lluita per la democratització de l’educació i la utopia pedagògica, 1966-1976”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 7, pp. 294-30, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioHistoria/article/view/223061.