Learning chemistry and about nature of scientific practice through epistemic and non-epistemic practices
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Antonio García-Carmona
Universidad de Sevilla
This article presents and justifies the participation of students in scientific practices as an ideal setting for science education. To the end, a perspective of the approach is promoted that includes both epistemic and non-epistemic practices whose performance demands an integrated use of scientific, procedural, and meta-scientific knowledge (or about nature of science). Finally, an example of how the educational approach could be implemented in a secondary chemistry classroom is presented, which is concreted in a school inquiry activity related to the effervescency phenomenon.
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How to Cite
García-Carmona, Antonio. “Learning chemistry and about nature of scientific practice through epistemic and non-epistemic practices”. Educació química, no. 29, pp. 41-47, https://raco.cat/index.php/EduQ/article/view/407759.
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