Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches
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Axel Pinz
Horst Bischof
Walter Kropatsch
Gerald Schweighofer
Yll Haxhimusa
Andreas Opelt
Adrian Ion
The emerging discipline of cognitive vision requires a proper representation of visual information including
spatial and temporal relationships, scenes, events, semantics and context. This review article summarizes
existing representational schemes in computer vision which might be useful for cognitive vision,
and discusses promising future research directions. The various approaches are categorized according to
appearance-based, spatio-temporal, and graph-based representations for cognitive vision. While the representation
of objects has been covered extensively in computer vision research, both from a reconstruction
as well as from a recognition point of view, cognitive vision will also require new ideas how to represent
scenes. We introduce new concepts for scene representations and discuss how these might be efficiently
implemented in future cognitive vision systems.
spatial and temporal relationships, scenes, events, semantics and context. This review article summarizes
existing representational schemes in computer vision which might be useful for cognitive vision,
and discusses promising future research directions. The various approaches are categorized according to
appearance-based, spatio-temporal, and graph-based representations for cognitive vision. While the representation
of objects has been covered extensively in computer vision research, both from a reconstruction
as well as from a recognition point of view, cognitive vision will also require new ideas how to represent
scenes. We introduce new concepts for scene representations and discuss how these might be efficiently
implemented in future cognitive vision systems.
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Com citar
Pinz, Axel et al. “Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches”. ELCVIA: electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, pp. 35-61,