Els mirallers i esparters de Barcelona durant el segle XV
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M.ª Carmen Riu de Martín
CEHI -Universitat de Barcelona
Report on the activity that glaziers and feathergrass manufacturers made in the city of Barcelona during the first half of the xv century. Although there were not a great number of them, if we compare them to the members of other trades, the glaziers’labour was prominent because their products were exported to other places in Europe. This group was included inside the sector created by glaziers, who shared guild with those who made and sell feathergrass objects. Legal documentation is revised, especially those documents related to dowries, wills, claims, payments (both debts and loans), as well as commercial aspects, for instance: employement and labour contracts.
work, crafts production, economy, Barcelona
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How to Cite
Riu de Martín, M.ª Carmen. “Els mirallers i esparters de Barcelona durant el segle XV”. Estudis Històrics i Documents dels Arxius de Protocols, no. XXX, pp. 107-42, https://raco.cat/index.php/EHDAP/article/view/288215.
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