Companyies, socis i negocis entorn de la taverna i la distribució comercial del vi i l'aiguardent a Barcelona (segle XVIII)

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Lídia Torra Fernández
The paper analyses the constitution and development of various mercantile companies that were once at the center of the tavern business in Barcelona during the eighteenth century. The study observes the growth of different establisments, the capital investment made by the partners, their rights and obligations agreed on, and the time-span of the societies. The study also analyses the trajectory of various taverns, the agreements made among the partners, the activity and function with in the business
comercial company, tavern, retail distribution, wine, liquor.

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How to Cite
Torra Fernández, Lídia. “Companyies, socis i negocis entorn de la taverna i la distribució comercial del vi i l’aiguardent a Barcelona (segle XVIII)”. Estudis d’història agrària, no. 26, pp. 133-49,