Pitch correspondence between mandarin chinese tones and spanish intonation

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Sílvia Planas i Morales
Current research on intonation show that several phonetic (particularly, prosodic) landmarks exist that indicate a pattern of intonational change at the end of
intonation phrases, which change and can be distinguished by means of a series of grammatical and expressive variables (Cantero, 2002; Garrido et alii, 2004;
Hidalgo, 2006; T’Hart et alii, 1990). The prosodic similarities between the prosodic patterns of Mandarin Chinese words and the intonational phrases of Spanish allows us to build a series of equivalences between Chinese tones and the functions of Spanish intonation.

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How to Cite
Planas i Morales, Sílvia. “Pitch correspondence between mandarin chinese tones and spanish intonation”. Estudios de fonética experimental, vol.VOL 19, pp. 205-30, https://raco.cat/index.php/EFE/article/view/218605.