L'etiquetatge prosòdic Cat_ToBI en català

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Pilar , 1965- Prieto i Vives
Lourdes Aguilar Cuevas
Ignasi Mascaró i Pons
Fracesc Torres-Tamarit
Maria del Mar Vanrell Bosch
This paper describes the conventions proposed in the first prosodic transcription system within the Tones and Break Indices (ToBI) framework for Catalan: Catalan ToBI or Cat_ToBI. The proposal is based on the previous literature on Catalan intonation and a qualitative analysis of a corpus of spoken Catalan that covers several dialects. In the tone tier, Catalan distinguishes among the following accent types: H*, L*, L+H*, L+>H*, L*+H, H+L*, the tritonal L+H*+L (Alguerese), and the downstepped and upstepped variants of H (¡H* and !H*). The model differs from the English ToBI model in that there is no phrase accent category and that only one type of boundary tone occurs to the right of intermediate and intonational phrase boundaries. Catalan distinguishes among the following boundary tones: H%, M%, L%, which can be monotonal or can group into bitonal (LH%, HH%, MM% and, HL%) or tritonal combinations (LHL%). The main aims of the Cat_ToBI system are to serve to improve our knowledge about Catalan intonation and to provide a tool to prosodically annotate oral corpora.

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How to Cite
Prieto i Vives, Pilar , 1965- et al. “L’etiquetatge prosòdic Cat_ToBI en català”. Estudios de fonética experimental, vol.VOL 18, pp. 288-09, https://raco.cat/index.php/EFE/article/view/140102.