La notación prosódica del español: una revisión del Sp-ToBI

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Eva Estebas Vilaplana
Pilar , 1965- Prieto i Vives
The aim of this paper is to present a new proposal of prosodic transcription for Spanish intonation within the autosegmental-metrical framework, Sp_ToBI (Spanish ToBI). This proposal has been based on 1) traditional descriptions of Spanish intonation, 2) a revision of previous works on Sp_ToBI, and 3) a systematic analysis of the Madrid, Sevilla, and Mexico City accents. The phonological units that we propose in this version of Sp_ToBI are the following ones. The system has two monotonal pitch accents (L* and H*) and four bitonal pitch accents (L*+H, L+H*, L+>H* and H+L*). The H tones can be produced with upstep or downstep. As far as boundary tones are concerned, Spanish has three monotonal tones (L%, H%, M%), three bitonal tones (LH%, HL% y HH%) and a tritonal tone (LHL%). In line with previous studies, no phrase accents are found in Spanish intonation. This version of Sp_ToBI includes three new aspects with respect to the former model: 1) the existance of an L* pitch accent, 2) the three-way contrast of rising accents (L*+H, L+H* and L+>H*) and 3) the presence of bitonal and tritonal boundary tones.

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How to Cite
Estebas Vilaplana, Eva; and Prieto i Vives, Pilar , 1965-. “La notación prosódica del español: una revisión del Sp-ToBI”. Estudios de fonética experimental, vol.VOL 17, pp. 264-83,