Sobre alguns aspectes contraposats en fonètica forense

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Ramon Cerdà Massó
As it is understood here forensic phonetics includes two juridical and judicial goals with some very, but not absolutely, different methodological perspectives. They are what I would generically call ‘trademarks comparison’ and ‘voice identification’. The first attempts to establish whether two or more expressions used to distinguish the same products or services can lead users to confuse them due to their excessive phonetic resemblance or make one sense that there is some commercial link between them. Here the phonetic research has a basically linguistic character. The second one instead is oriented towards determining whether two or more voice records belong or not to the same and unique person. Although a linguistic treatment is not discarded, the most genuine research now is based on the acoustical characteristics of the analyzed voices and their statistical probability of uniqueness.

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How to Cite
Cerdà Massó, Ramon. “Sobre alguns aspectes contraposats en fonètica forense”. Estudios de fonética experimental, vol.VOL 17, pp. 46-64,