La prosodia nell'interferenza tra L1 e L2: il caso delle interrogative polari tra veneti e catalani

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Empar Devís Herraiz
The scope of this work is to describe the interference of L1 in the intonation of the polar question in L2, in speaking native of Veneto resident in Barcelona and in speaking native of Barcelona resident in Italy. The following brief report introduces, as example, the work that will be treated with the final thesis, which will regard (concern) the interference of L1 in L2, in speakers of these two varieties, at the level suprasegmental in the mayor modalities of the intonation. This work will lead us to see, first of all, if the intonation is, as we believe, one of the elements that remain much longer in L2; and, second, using perceptive tests, it will allow us to verify if the native speaker is in the condition of identifying a speaker as a foreign speaker, listening only at his intonation.

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How to Cite
Devís Herraiz, Empar. “La prosodia nell’interferenza tra L1 e L2: il caso delle interrogative polari tra veneti e catalani”. Estudios de fonética experimental, vol.VOL 16, pp. 120-46,