O’BOYLE, Cornelius. Thirteenth-and Fourteenth-Century Copies of the «Ars Medicine». A Checklist and Contents Descriptions of the Manuscripts. Jon ARRIZABALAGA, The «Articella» in the Early Press c.1476-1534. PAPERS of the Articella Project Meeting

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Pedro Gil Sotres

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Gil Sotres, Pedro. “O’BOYLE, Cornelius. Thirteenth-and Fourteenth-Century Copies of the «Ars Medicine». A Checklist and Contents Descriptions of the Manuscripts. Jon ARRIZABALAGA, The «Articella» in the Early Press c.1476-1534. PAPERS of the Articella Project Meeting”. Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, vol.VOL 21, pp. 500-6, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dynamis/article/view/92595.