Women contemporary ceramists. The case of the Contemporary Art Museum Vicente Aguilera Cerni from Vilafamés (Castellón)
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Esther Astarloa Izarra
The present work proposes a reflexion about contemporary ceramic art focusing on female artists and their presence in a specific artistic centre, «Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni de Vilafamés» (Castellón). Firstly, backgrounds and aspects that help place the subject are taken into account and then information about the object of the study is gathered, which is concentrated on the analysis of the ceramic collection held by the museum along with its authors’ trayectory and characteristics. The feminist perspective is present throughout the study as the assumption that gender disparity is still patent in society and in the ceramic field (despite a great presence of women).
women ceramist, contemporary ceramic, art-handcrafts, MACVAC, gender perspective
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How to Cite
Astarloa Izarra, Esther. “Women contemporary ceramists. The case of the Contemporary Art Museum Vicente Aguilera Cerni from Vilafamés (Castellón)”. Dossiers feministes, no. 23, pp. 77-94, https://raco.cat/index.php/DossiersFeministes/article/view/355792.