"La antorcha extinguida", la bohemia y la disidencia sexual en España, principios del siglo XX

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Richard Cleminson
This short article explores the limits of Bohemia and its possible connections with sexual dissidence. It argues that the blurred limits of Bohemia are reflected in transgressive sexual discourses and practices in Spain and other countries around the fin de siècle and in the early twentieth century. Using Foucault's idea of the active «problematization» of subjectivity the article explores how literary figures of different types situated themselves in a changing world, pushed the boundaries of sexual transgression and saw other ways of living out sexualities as a practice that would help forge new types of relationships between human beings.

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Cleminson, Richard. “‘La antorcha extinguida’, la bohemia y la disidencia sexual en España, principios del siglo XX”. Dossiers feministes, no. 10, pp. 51-60, https://raco.cat/index.php/DossiersFeministes/article/view/102539.