De la cultural translation a la philosophie de la traduction

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Salah Basalamah
Cultural Translation is a kind of juncture between Translation Studies and several other disciplines it both intersects with and originates from (Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Philosophy, among others). Taking into account the work of Ladmiral (1989, 1992 and 2011) as well as the recent resurgence of this concept in the discipline through the animated forum, to say the least, of the Translation Studies journal (2009-2010), this article seeks to show how Cultural Translation can also serve as a link in the formulation of a “Philosophy of Translation” based on Translation Studies and identification of its objects of study. We follow the example of Ricoeur (1992 and 2004) in considering translation as a “philosophical paradigm” and in proposing a certain justification for the reflective study of the most abstract objects of the translational process without however losing sight of their linguistic and discursive dimensions.

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Com citar
Basalamah, Salah. “De la cultural translation a la philosophie de la traduction”. Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts, no. 4, pp. 1-21,