La Traduction entre métaphore et vérité
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Carla Canullo
Università di Macerata (Itàlia)
The translation is a matter of interpreters, translators professionals as well as researchers in language. Yet it is also a matter of philosophers, from the nineteenth century, it has never ceased to be interviewed by the philosophy itself. Today, the philosophical debate about the translation intersects with the investigating its ethical power, hence its definition as a “paradigm of linguistic hospitality”. Yet this definition, quite legitimately, enough so that it is kept the plurality of languages as well as their specificity? This is from another issue may arise, this time not only on the hospitality where the language is translated to give the translated language, but also on what happens to the eyes of those who to translate leaves as well as translate the gesture itself, offering to hear it as chiasmus metaphor and truth. Of “metaphor”, at its etymology from the translation and translate his words sharing the same root for the movement and transport of “truth”, hearing it as real as every language and culture will take home the another, wishing it to be known as well as kept.
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Com citar
Canullo, Carla. “La Traduction entre métaphore et vérité”. Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts, no. 4, pp. 1-15,